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What are the various test conducted to diagnose any kidney disease?

Writer's picture: Babita YadavBabita Yadav

There are basically two kidney function tests from which a doctor identified any renal diseases and also used in renal failure diagnosis, including:

1. Urine test: This test is also called UACR(Urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio), which helps the doctor to find out how much albumin passes into your urine over a 24-hour period. Its result of 30 or above means you have any kidney disease.

2. Blood test: This test is taken to find the estimate of GFR(Glomerular filtration rate). It is the main test to conduct to determine any kidney disease, mainly measuring the levels of a waste product called creatinine in your blood.

How Kidney is treated?

Kidney diseases are very severe diseases, they should be treated as soon as you find out you have any renal problems. Various kidney treatment options are there for the proper medications and care of the patient.

The following are the approaches for the treatment:

1. Medication

2. Dietary changes

3. Fluid management

4. Blood pressure control

5. Symptoms management

6. Supportive care

How does homeopathy work in the treatment of kidney disease?

Homeopathic treatment is an effective treatment for all kidney problems treatment,

Their medicines have the power to restore the damaged kidneys to a normal state and levels of creatinine and high urea in blood treatment back to their normal state. Kidney treatment by homeopathy provides proper medication and care to the patients. Homeopathic treatment works by stimulating the immune system's responses whereas herbal remedies helps in nourishing certain part of the body.

Some herbal medicines for kidneys are ginger, grape, turmeric, beetroot juice, stinging nettle, onions, apples, tea, papaya, bitter leaf, and guava leaves.

The following precautions should be taken to prevent any kidney disease:

1. Stay hydrated because the most common reason for the formation of kidney problems is a lack of water.

2. Use Vitamin C and minerals as they are very powerful antioxidants.

3. Take apples, dates, and beans in your diet.

4. Avoid products with added salts because they lower the amount of sodium you eat each day by avoiding products, including many convenience foods, such as frozen dinners, canned soups, and fast foods.

5. Avoid excessive amounts of protein in your diet.

6. Watch blood pressure and sugar levels on a daily basis.


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