Kidney issues may encompass many ailments and problems that affect the kidneys, vital organs that cleanse the body of waste and fluids from blood. Kidney issues can range in severity and be either acute (sudden appearance) or persistent (developing with time).
Chronic kidney disease is a chronic disease that causes gradual loss of kidney function. The condition is usually symptomatic when it is in its initial stages, making regular kidney function tests essential to detect early. As CKD develops, signs and symptoms could include:
Weakness and fatigue The kidneys constantly struggle to eliminate waste, and fatigue and weakness can become apparent.
The swelling caused by fluid retention could cause swelling in the ankles, legs, and face.
High Blood Pressure: Kidney function plays an important role in controlling blood pressure. As such, high blood pressure may be both the cause and an effect of CKD.
Anemia: A decrease in the capacity of the red blood cell may cause anemia, which can result in weakness and fatigue.
Bone Health Problems: Kidneys assist in maintaining the levels of calcium and phosphorus within the body. CKD may disrupt the balance of these two elements, causing bone-related issues.
Itchy Skin: The accumulation of bloodborne waste products may cause itching and irritation.
As chronic kidney disease progresses gradually, acute kidney injury (AKI) is an immediate and dramatic decrease in kidney function. AKI may be caused by a variety of reasons, including infections, dehydration, and medications, as well as trauma. AKI symptoms can be a result of AKI could include:
Reduced Urine Production: A noticeable reduction in urine output is the most recognizable sign of AKI.
The swelling of fluids, especially around the ankles and legs, may occur.
Fatigue and confusion When waste products build up in the bloodstream, it is possible that fatigue and confusion occur.
Nausea and vomiting: Gastrointestinal symptoms are common in AKI.
It is essential to seek medical treatment when you notice any signs or suspect that you have kidney issues. Early kidney diagnosis and kidney treatment is often a way to prevent the development of complications and damage to the kidneys. The treatment options for kidney problems differ depending on the disease's root reason and extent.
A healthy lifestyle that includes regular nutrition, adequate hydration, regular exercise, and taking care of health issues such as hypertension or diabetes assists in improving kidney health and decreases the chance of developing kidney issues. Regular visits to your kidney specialist, particularly when at risk of kidney problems, are crucial for detecting and preventing the condition early. Nephrologists are medical professionals with experience in treating and diagnosing kidney disorders and diseases. They can offer advice on managing kidney issues, offer options for treatment, and track the condition of kidneys over time.
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